Using Solar dryer to get more than 10€/kg from dried mango.
Using Solar dryer to get more than 10€/kg from dried mango.
The main harvest period for mango is limited. The lack of adequate storage leads to high postharvest losses of the perishable fruits. In addition, overproduction causes low prices and increases the demand for appropriate preservation methods of fresh mango flesh. Processed mango products are fast gaining markets and commanding better prices than other processed tropical fruits.
Drying is a major postharvest process of fruit product responding to demands of dried fruits from export markets.
Two drying methods, namely, greenhouse solar and hot air dryers, are commonly
used to dry mangoes to obtain a product that provides a beneficial effect on human health,a high-quality product and a positive trade potential. Solar and hot air drying are available to prevent the deterioration of products and to reduce the drying time. The technology, particularly solar air type, can be the most profitable compared with open-air sun drying, due to better quality and quantity. The greenhouse solar dryer is a system that uses solar power, a renewable source of energy, and is applied primarily by many small-to-medium-sized agricultural industries. It can reduce operational costs in terms of fuel. To dry mangoes on a large or commercial scale, many enterprises use electricity powered, hot air dryers and liquefied petroleum gas burners. It is generally claimed that hot air dryers are not economical due to their high energy cost.