Sweet potatoes - Coopérative Jeunes vie de l'avenir Burundais
It is a tuber similar to the potato, but with a sweeter taste, a characteristic orange tone and a higher nutritional value.
The sweet potato is considered a tuber similar to the potato. Its sweet taste is somewhere between potato, carrot and pumpkin. It also has a characteristic orange colour that differentiates it from other tubers.
This food contains a high nutritional level, which offers great benefits. On the one hand, its high content in vitamins A, B6, B5, B1 and B2, and C stands out. It also provides a large amount of minerals such as manganese, potassium, iron and copper.
The sweet potato is also one of the few vegetables with a low glycaemic index, despite its sweet taste. It is also notable for its fibre content, which exceeds that of potatoes, and for the presence of antioxidants such as beta-carotene, which give it its characteristic orange colour.
Some of the benefits of sweet potatoes are: great anti-carcinogenic potential, anti-inflammatory effect on the brain and nervous tissue, digestive system support, antioxidant properties, etc.
Sweet potatoes are usually eaten roasted, mashed, cooked or in pies, but never raw. Moreover, the skin is usually removed once cooked, although it can also be removed before.
Technical Data
What it provides us with:
Manganese, Potassium, Iron, Copper, Fibre, Vitamins A, B6, B5, B1 and B2, and C.
Vitamins A, B6, B5, B1 and B2, and C.
Usual Consumption:
Roasted, Cooked, Purées or Cakes.
A cooperative is a group of persons or companies who have common needs and who, in order to satisfy them, join together to operate an enterprise in accordance with cooperative rules of action. Power is exercised democratically by the members. Like the joint-stock company, the cooperative is a legal person distinct from its members and the liability of each member is limited to the value of the shares subscribed. However, it differs from other enterprises in the way its surpluses are distributed. Among other things, they are given to the members in the form of rebates, depending on the use of each of the cooperative's services.
Although it must be profitable, its primary objective is to meet the needs of its members in the most efficient way possible. It belongs to all its members equally: when decisions have to be made, they are made democratically by the principle of one member, one vote.
So, this is why the cooperative Jeunes vie de l'avenir Burundais "JEVABU" was created by the founders. JEVABU is a cooperative society that was founded on 20 January 2018 but was officially approved the statute on 12 December 2021 and came into force on the day of its signature by the Director General of ANACOOP.
It has seven main objectives namely:
1. Agriculture and Livestock.
2. creation of Kijuru Media (open television, theatrical sketch)
3. Creation of medical centre
4. opening of vocational training centre for disabled people (sewing, Flânerie)
5. manufacture of chalk
6. motorbike garage and sale of spare parts
7. Resto-café